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Technical features

FIPROPHOS 514 is a single-component liquid phospho-degreaser, specially designed for the treatment of ferrous material, galvanized steel and aluminum. FIPROPHOS 514 creates on the treated surfaces an amorphous phosphate layer of high compactness and thickness 10 mgr / dmq which constitutes an excellent anchoring base for liquid, powder or electrophoretic paints. The correct use of the product requires a subsequent continuous partial renewal rinse and possibly a final rinse with demineralized water. A suitable final passivation further improves the anticorrosive resistance results.

Physical-Chemical Data


Usage and Applications

FIPROPHOS 514 is used as a pre-painting treatment, with higher performance than medium weight phospho-degreasers, for accessory parts in the automotive industry, household appliances, metal furniture and sheet metal products in general.


Bathe preparation

  • Fill the tank with clean tap water up to approximately three quarters of its volume

  • Start the recirculation pumps and bring to the working temperature

  • Add 15-60 kg (13-50 liters) of FIPROPHOS 514 for every 1000 I of bath

  • Bring the bath to the exact volume and working temperature, leaving it in recirculation for 15-20 '

  • Check the working parameters; it may be necessary to bring the pH value within the operating range by adding small amounts of ALCAFIP 250

Control of bathing

Score (total acidity)
Take 10 ml of the bath using a calibrated pipette, place them in a 250 ml conical flask, add approximately 100 ml of distilled water and 4 - 5 drops of the Phenolphthalein indicator.
Titrate with Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) 0.1 N until colorless to stable pink color change for at least 20 ".
The number of ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide used to obtain the color change of the sample represents the bath score. A FIPROPHOS 514 bath prepared at a concentration of 20 g / l and brought to the working pH, has a score of approximately 3.9.

Determination of pH
Take a bath sample (approximately 100 ml) and allow it to cool to approximately 20 ° C. Determine the pH value, preferably with a pH meter previously calibrated to pH 4 and 7 (the use of an electrode resistant to fluoride ion is recommended).
Any corrections are made:

  • To obtain a lowering of the pH, with FIPROPHOS 514 or with FIPROPLUS 709 or FIPROPLUS 710 (this product must be dosed in very small quantities)

  • With ALCAFIP 250 in small quantities to obtain an increase in pH


The bath is fed with FIPROPHOS 514 according to the score (total acidity).
To obtain the concentration in gr / lt multiply the value obtained by the fixed number 5.1.
Then bring the concentration to the required value, adding 5.1 kg of product per 1000 Lt. of bath for each missing point.
As the bath ages, a physiological increase in pH and / or score may occur. In this case the bath supply will be managed according to the maintenance of the pH value within the operating range, until the renewal of the tank.


If you notice an accumulation of oil on the surface of the bath, it is advisable to partially brush it in order to avoid contamination of the treated material.
For the tanks and other parts of the system it is advisable to use stainless steel (preferably AISI 316 or 316 L).
The pumps to be installed in the individual areas must have characteristics such as to ensure a spray pressure of at least 1.5 atm in all active phases, with the exception of the final passivation, which admits a lower pressure (0.8 - 1 atm). Higher pressures can favor degreasing.
Prolonged exposure of FIPROPHOS 514 to light and heat can cause color variations.
Slight differences in the appearance of the product do not compromise its efficiency and operational performance.


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Prodotti Correlati


Light layer multimetal phosphodegreaser with antiscalants. Applicable by spray and hot.


Light layer multimetal phosphodegreaser with very complete formulation. Non-foaming surfactant, has excellent degreasing power.



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Lo studio delle soluzioni tecniche, la selezione ed il controllo delle materie prime fanno parte del processo di creazione di un prodotto efficace.


Fiprokim ha una più che ventennale esperienza nel campo della ricerca, formulazione, produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti chimici per il trattamento dei metalli  e la loro detergenza e di lubrorefrigeranti per la lavorazione meccanica dei metalli.

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