A line of products suitable for the removal of oxides, limestone deposits and sediments from tanks, heat exchangers, circuits and tube bundles, spray systems.
Effectiveness and Safety
The wide variety of products in the range allows you to effectively address the maintenance aspect of systems, tanks and heat exchangers. In fact, this line includes pickling agents, descalers, dephosphating agents, etching agents, which find application in numerous processes for the maintenance or restoration of industrial structures.
There are also numerous formulations with low environmental impact, free from chlorides or fluorides, and suitably with additives.
The products of the Fiprodisk line are easy and immediate to use, and for each of them useful information on how to apply will be provided. Liquids or sprays, they are suitable for use by immersion, spray, or brush, with the possibility of using both pure and in various dilutions.
The products of the Fiprodisk line stand out for the safety of the raw materials used, as the line includes numerous formulations with low environmental impact and free from dangerous substances for operators.
Periodic cleaning of tanks and industrial plants
Removal of calcareous, saline, phosphatic and cement deposits
Descaling of heat exchangers and pipes
Rusting and multimetal pickling agents
Descalers for heat exchangers and pipes
Removal of limestone deposits
Wide range of products
Low environmental impact alternatives
Formulated, produced and controlled internally
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