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Solutions for the maintenance and cleaning of machines and systems

The process

The maintenance of structures, systems and industrial instrumentation is a very important practice, necessary to maintain maximum production efficiency. These operations are often underestimated, but there is no doubt that unmaintained plants, inefficient machinery and unclean production areas in fact lead to a decrease in the production capacity of a company, longer production times, lower quality of the finished product, and in in short, a significant increase in management and production costs. On the contrary, periodic maintenance and a series of quick and simple scheduled interventions allows you to get the most out of each plant, in some cases without even the need to stop production, and have a cost much lower than that represented by the replacement of equipment. tanks and system components .

Our degreasers and cleaners

From Fiprokim's great experience in the cleaning and maintenance sector, two product lines are born, specifically designed for this kind of operations.

FIPRODET: a family that includes numerous products dedicated to cleaning both large surfaces and floors, and machinery and systems, with innovative formulations and numerous low environmental impact alternatives, compatible with any material. The cleaning effectiveness of some Fiprodet products can also be used for the degreasing and cleaning of semi-finished products.

FIPRODISK: a complete line of specific products for descaling systems, circuits and tanks, capable of effectively removing sediments, deposits and dirt in total safety, speed and economy.

Processing and materials

Our specific products for the maintenance of surfaces, machinery and industrial plants, find application in every industrial reality, regardless of the sector. Ideal for daily cleaning of work areas, surfaces, stations and machinery (fiprodet) or for periodic descaling and cleaning of tanks, spray lines, augers, washing tunnels.


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Linee di prodotti dedicati

Prodotti singoli dedicati



Tutte le linee Fiprokim sono prodotte presso la nostra sede di Altavilla Vicentina.
La vasta gamma di miscelatori ed apparecchiature ci permette di avere una notevole potenza produttiva.
Fusti di stoccaggio
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Fiprokim si avvale di un laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo formato da tecnici specializzati nei vari settori.

Lo studio delle soluzioni tecniche, la selezione ed il controllo delle materie prime fanno parte del processo di creazione di un prodotto efficace.


Fiprokim ha una più che ventennale esperienza nel campo della ricerca, formulazione, produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti chimici per il trattamento dei metalli  e la loro detergenza e di lubrorefrigeranti per la lavorazione meccanica dei metalli.

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