Technical features
FIPRO AK 06 is a liquid antiscalant additive, ideal for preventing limescale deposits due to hardness in water circulation systems.
It is also conveniently used in metal tumbling operations in order to prevent the formation of insoluble industrial soaps and therefore to optimize the treatment.
Physical-Chemical Data
Parametro | Valore |
Appearance | Straw yellow liquid |
pH | ~12 |
Solubility in Water | Complete |
Usage and Applications
FIPRO AK 06 can be used as an additive in all aqueous solutions where a treatment to prevent the formation of limescale is required.
Concentration of use: 1 g / l every 10 ° F
Operating temperature: from ENVIRONMENT up to 90 ° C
pH at the concentrations of use: about 11
The concentration of use of FIPRO AK 06 may vary according to the characteristics of the base solution and is directly linked to the hardness of the water.
The excellent dispersibility qualities of the product allow it to be used directly in solutions.
All the structures of the pre-treatment plant must be compatible with the chemical characteristics of the basic solution. Dose the product directly into the solution and homogenize by stirring.
Applicazione | Concentrazione |
Store the product in covered warehouses.
Tube circuits, heat exchangers, evaporators, boilers
Water conditioning
Prevention of inorganic and organic encrustations and sediments in open and closed circuits
Prevention and arrest of corrosive phenomena localized in circuits and pipes
Salinity and hardness regulation
Elimination of bacterial flora and prevention,
Circuit cleaning and maintenance