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Technical features

FIPRO MAT 457 is a liquid based on non-toxic glycols and organic corrosion inhibitors. The product is used as a convection fluid for solar panels, for heat pumps, as a filling fluid in air conditioning systems, for cold water circuits, etc.
FIPRO MAT 457 lowers the freezing point of aqueous solutions and, therefore, can be used for water conditioning in installations exposed to frost.

Usage and Applications

The use of FIPRO MAT 457 allows you to:

  • Avoid the bacterial degradation of the glycol and consequent formation of corrosive glycolic acid for the circuits

  • Keep the material originating from any deposits dispersed

  • Block the corrosive phenomena regardless of the oxygen content in the circuit

  • Protect metals in contact (steel, aluminum, copper)

  • Easily biodegradable product (OECD 3011) and free from nitrites, amines, molybdates, phosphates


Dosage and Application

The dosage of FIPRO MAT 457 depends on the required lowering of temperature:

% vol  10    20    30    40    50   60

°C       -3     -7   -12   -20  -32  -43

Due to its complete and rapid miscibility in water, FIPRO MAT 457 can be introduced into the circuit as it is, then adding water until the desired concentration is reached. However, it is preferable to first prepare a solution with water and then add it to the circuit.
The optimal dosage and analytical control limits must be defined with the help of the Fiprokim Technical Service.

The residual concentration of FIPRO MAT 457 in the circuit can be evaluated by measuring the density of the solution:

% vol                        10        20         30        40         50        60

Density (20°C)     1,007  1,018    1,025   1,033   1,040   1,043



Il FIPRO MAT 457 va conservato in luogo fresco al riparo dai raggi diretti del sole; se conservato alle condizioni raccomandate, ha una stabilità di oltre un anno.


Before use, read the warnings on the Product Safety Data Sheet. FIPRO MAT 457 is not classified as dangerous in accordance with EEC Directive 67/548, 2001/59 and 99/45, concerning the classification, conditioning and labeling of dangerous substances; moreover it is not classified in category 4 of the GHS (Globally Harmonized System) Regulation EC N ° A 1272/2008.

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Customised products

Fiprokim has a research and development laboratory staffed by technicians specialised in various fields.

The study of technical solutions, the selection and control of raw materials are part of the process of creating an effective product.


Fiprokim has more than 20 years' experience in the research, formulation, production and marketing of chemical products for the treatment of metals  and their cleaning and of coolants for mechanical metalworking.

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