Technical features
FIPROCIDE 53 is one of the biocides of the complete range produced by FIPROKIM and is chemically described as aqueous solution of tri (hydroxyethyl) hexahydrotriazine.
FIPROCIDE 53 is highly effective in preventing microbiological contamination that causes physical and chemical degradation of water-based products. This degradation can produce loss of viscosity, bad odors or discolouration. FIPROCIDE 53 inhibits the development of a wide range of bacteria, fungi and yeasts described below:
Bacteria Aeromonas hydrophilia
Bacillus subtilis
Brevibacterium ammoniagenes
Micrococcus flavus
Enterobacter aerogenes
Proteus vulgaris
Pseudomonas aerogenes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas stutzeri
Salmonella typhosa
Yeasts Monilia sitophilia
Mushrooms Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus oryzae
Physical-Chemical Data
Parametro | Valore |
Appearance | Yellow liquid |
Smell | Mild |
pH | 9.5 |
Specific Weight | 1.020 Kg/l |
Solubility in Water | Complete |
Usage and Applications
FIPROCIDE 53 is recommended for the protection of formulations such as metalworking fluids. It can also be used as a sterilant in air conditioning systems and storage vessels, mixers, intermediate tanks etc.
NB: FIPROCIDE 53 is not recommended for protecting water-based paints in cans as triazine derivatives cause the product to yellow.
The concentrations of FIPROCIDE 53 necessary to protect the formulations refer to the total weight of the formulation and are the following:
Metalworking fluids 1.0 - 1.5%
Sterilizing solutions 30.0 - 50.0%
Cooling water 0.1 - 0.5%
FIPROCIDE 53 can be added at any stage of the production process. In the case of metalworking fluids FIPROCIDE 53 can be added to the concentrated product during its formulation, or when this is in emulsion.
Applicazione | Concentrazione |