Technical features
Fipro AK 952 is an organic liquid product based on filming amines, alkalizing agents, inhibitors for copper and its alloys, biocides. The product is used for the treatment of closed cooling circuits and hot water circuits.
Physical-Chemical Data
Parametro | Valore |
Usage and Applications
Fipro AK 952 acts through the following mechanisms:
Formation of a protective film by adsorption of the filming amine on the metal surface
Adjustment of the pH of the water in the range from 7 to 8.5 to ensure proper passivation of the aluminum surfaces
Prevention of deposit formation
Dispersion of deposits making them more easily evacuated
Fipro AK 952 is a product for industrial use.
Applicazione | Concentrazione |
Il dosaggio del Fipro AK 952 è di 5000 g/m3 di acqua di reintegro ma va stabilito con l’aiuto del Servizio Tecnico Fiprokim in base alle caratteristiche dell’impianto e dell’acqua da trattare.
La concentrazione di Fipro AK 952 nell’acqua può essere determinata mediante analisi della poliammina con specifico test analitico.
Va mantenuto un residuo minimo di 1 gr/m3 di poliammina.
Il Fipro AK 952 va dosato tal quale. Le parti a contatto con il prodotto devono essere realizzate in PVC (tubazione di aspirazione), EPDM o teflon (guarnizioni) e Politene (tubazioni di mandata). Il prodotto non è compatibile con Viton.
Fipro AK 952 is supplied in a variety of packages and should be stored in a cool place away from direct sunlight. The product, if stored under the recommended conditions, is stable for one year.
Tube circuits, heat exchangers, evaporators, boilers
Water conditioning
Prevention of inorganic and organic encrustations and sediments in open and closed circuits
Prevention and arrest of corrosive phenomena localized in circuits and pipes
Salinity and hardness regulation
Elimination of bacterial flora and prevention,
Circuit cleaning and maintenance