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Technical features

FIPROPHOS 538 is a liquid phospho-degreaser specific for the treatment, in spray or immersion systems, of articles in ferrous material. Formulated with a special detergent package, it provides good results already at room temperature, without the formation of foam on the surface of the pretreatment bath and in the relative washes. On the treated metal it forms a deposit of iron phosphate weighing between 0.2 0.6 g / m2 which improves the adhesion of the paint and, at the same time, increases the resistance to corrosion under the skin.
FIPROPHOS 538 allows you to minimize oxidation phenomena resulting from plant shutdowns, such as during shutdowns for extraordinary maintenance operations.
If items heavily contaminated with oils or fats have to be treated, the Fiprokim Technical Service will provide an indication for the use of a suitable degreasing additive.
After treatment with FIPROPHOS 538, the material must first be spray rinsed with continuous renewal pressure (1 ¸ 2 bar), for 1 ¸ 3 'and at room temperature and then with demineralized water.

Usage and Applications

FIPROPHOS 538 must be used in aqueous solution by spraying or by immersion, under the following operating conditions:

Treatment time: 1 ¸ 4 minutes
Usage temperature: 20 ¸ 50 ° C
Concentration: 10 ¸ 30 g / l
Bath score: 2.8 ¸ 8.4 points of total acidity


Preparation of the solutions

For every 1000 liters of solution use 10 to 30 kg of FIPROPHOS 538.
Fill the tank with water and bring it to working temperature; then add the predetermined quantity of FIPROPHOS 538 with the pumps running and circulate the solution for at least 10 minutes before the first material to be treated enters.


Control of bathing

Collect 10 ml of sample
Add 4-5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator and titrate with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution.
The number of ml of 0.1 N sodium hydrate used represents the bath score.
For a bath prepared at 20 g / l, it should be approximately 5.6.


For each missing acidity point, add 3.6 kg of FIPROPHOS 538 per 1000 l of bath.


All parts in contact with FIPROPHOS 538 can be built with AISI 304 steel, avoid yellow alloys in pumps and valves.

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All Fiprokim lines are produced at our facility in Altavilla Vicentina.
The wide range of mixers and equipment allows us to have considerable production power.
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Customised products

Fiprokim has a research and development laboratory staffed by technicians specialised in various fields.

The study of technical solutions, the selection and control of raw materials are part of the process of creating an effective product.


Fiprokim has more than 20 years' experience in the research, formulation, production and marketing of chemical products for the treatment of metals  and their cleaning and of coolants for mechanical metalworking.

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