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Technical features

FIPROPHOS 545 is a liquid formulation based on phosphates used to phosphate iron and steel surfaces before their painting. The coating obtained consists of iron oxides and phosphates.

Usage and Applications

The product is used by spraying, even at low temperatures. The surfactants and wetting agents contained in the product are specially used to avoid foaming at low temperatures.
Depending on the products and their surface pollution (fats, oils, oxides…) and on the basis of the plant conditions, different cycle solutions are possible.
Before treatment with FIPROPHOS 545 it is advisable to perform a degreasing, followed by an abundant rinse with tap water. As an alternative to the initial alkaline degreasing, the same FIPROPHOS 545 can be used, possibly combined with a suitable degreasing additive.
If a preliminary degreasing phase is not foreseen, add the necessary quantity of degreasing additive to the phosphating solution as suggested by the Fiprokim Technical Service.
After treatment with FIPROPHOS 545, the material must be rinsed with water under pressure (1 ¸ 2 bar) with continuous partial renewal, for 1 '¸ 3' at room temperature and then with demineralized water or, better, with suitable products recommended by the Service. Fiprokim technician, at 30 ¸ 50 ° C.
FIPROPHOS 545 must be used by spraying or by immersion, in aqueous solution, under the following operating conditions:

Spray        immersion
(with Accelerants to be added)
Treatment time: 2 to 3 minutes - 3 to 5 minutes
Bath temperature: from 30 to 60 ° C - from 40 to 60 ° C
Concentration of the bath: from 10 to 30 g / l - from 20 to 40 g / l


Bathe preparation

For every 1000 liters of solution add from 20 to 50 kg of FIPROPHOS 545 which must be introduced with the pumps in motion into the tank filled with water and already brought to the working temperature. Circulate the solution for at least 10 minutes before the first material to be treated enters. It is advisable to adjust the working pH in the preset range to avoid oxidation due to the pH that is too acidic. The usual working pH is between 4.75 and 5.1.


Control of bathing

By controlling the pH, the concentration of the bath is controlled by determining the total acidity score, as follows: take 10 ml of bath using a calibrated pipette, place them in a flask, dilute them with about 50 ml of distilled water, add 5-6 drops of phenolphthalein alcohol solution and titrate with 0.1 N caustic soda until a constant pink color. The number of ml of 0.1 N caustic soda used represents the bath score which, for a 20 g / l preparation, is equal to about 7.2. The total acidity reported is valid for a new bath without pH correction.
So after adjusting the pH it is advisable to determine the total acidity, which is then a reference parameter for the concentration.


It feeds according to the pH.
The bath must be checked periodically and maintained at the concentration established at the time of start-up: for each missing point in total acidity and for every 1000 l of bath add 2.8 kg of FIPROPHOS 545.


All parts of the system in contact with the FIPROPHOS 545 solution can be made of normal carbon steel. Avoid galvanized, die-cast aluminum, brass, copper.


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Prodotti Correlati


Light layer multimetal phosphogenic agent, with nitric, chlorates and molybdates. Applicable by spray, hot.


Heavy-layer multimetal phosphogreaser, nitrate free, with corrosion inhibitors for downtime. Even at low temperatures.


Light-layer multimetal phosphogreaser with high molybdate and protective inhibitors for downtime.



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Fiprokim si avvale di un laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo formato da tecnici specializzati nei vari settori.

Lo studio delle soluzioni tecniche, la selezione ed il controllo delle materie prime fanno parte del processo di creazione di un prodotto efficace.


Fiprokim ha una più che ventennale esperienza nel campo della ricerca, formulazione, produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti chimici per il trattamento dei metalli  e la loro detergenza e di lubrorefrigeranti per la lavorazione meccanica dei metalli.

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