Technical features
METALFIP 312 is an acid deoxidizer designed for the removal of surface oxides and for the conversion of aluminum and its alloys in the pre-chromating and pre-phosphochromatizing phase.
Physical-Chemical Data
Parametro | Valore |
Appearance | Colorless liquid |
Density | ~1.11 |
Smell | Pungent |
pH | ~1 |
Usage and Applications
To obtain an excellent deoxidation result, it is advisable to operate in multi-stage treatment plants to ensure excellent cleaning of the artifacts.
Applicazione | Concentrazione |
Controllo delle soluzioni
The control is carried out by determining the total acidity of the bath in the following way:
10cc of bath is taken
A few drops of methyl orange indicator are added
It is titrated with NaOH N / 10 solution until it turns from red to yellow
From the number of cc used in the titration it is possible to trace the concentration of the following bath:
20 11.0
40 22.0
50 27.5
70 38.5
The reconcentrations of the bath must be carried out in the measure of 2 gr / lt of product for each point less found in the titration with respect to the preset value.
Everything that comes into contact with the solution must be made of 316 / L stainless steel or antacid material.
Hydrofluoric and nitric free
Excellent longevity of the baths
Pickling and phosphating action
Low foaming
Pre-painting lines
Degreasing of oils and protective agents
Cleaning and degreasing of aluminum and alloys
Pre-conversion treatments (e.g. pre-chromatization)