Technical features
METALFIP 303 is a specific phospho-pickling agent for painting lines, to be used where an energetic deoxidizing action combined with a phosphating action is required.
METALFIP 303 is formulated with low foaming, therefore it is suitable for use in spray machines even at temperatures of 40 ° C. Effectively removes processing, protective and molding oils from metal surfaces while simultaneously developing a phosphate coating ideal for anchoring paints.
Physical-Chemical Data
Parametro | Valore |
Appearance | Colorless liquid |
Smell | Bland |
Specific Weight | 5.00 Kg/l |
Rinseability | Good |
Biodegradable | Yes |
Phosphates | Present |
Usage and Applications
METALFIP 303 is usually used at concentrations between 20 and 70-90 g / l in volume and temperatures between 40 and 60 ° C. To increase the degreasing power and the duration of the solutions, it is possible to add special additives, such as Fiproplus 701.
Applicazione | Concentrazione |
Control of solutions
Check and adjust the pH of the solution within the suggested range, then titrate according to the procedure:
Take 10 ml of the solution to be analyzed and place them in the glass beaker (or flask), add 20 ml of distilled water.
Add 5-8 drops of FENOPHTHALEIN indicator. The solution will appear COLORLESS.
Titrate the solution obtained, keeping it stirred, with NaOH N / 10 until one is obtained
PINK coloring. This change identifies the end of the titration.
To obtain the concentration in g / l, multiply the value obtained by the fixed number 1.43
Then bring the concentration to the required value.
Hydrofluoric and nitric free
Excellent longevity of the baths
Pickling and phosphating action
Low foaming
Pre-painting lines
Degreasing of oils and protective agents
Cleaning and degreasing of stainless steel
Preconversion treatments (pre galvanic)