Technical features
FIPRO SG 1024 is an alkaline liquid formulation used for spray or immersion degreasing (with and without ultrasound) of iron and steel material. If not rinsed it leaves an antioxidant protective film.
FIPRO SG 1024 consists of an aqueous solution of carbonates, organic protective agents, sequestering agents.
Usage and Applications
FIPRO SG 1024 should be used, by spray or immersion, in aqueous solution, under the following operating conditions:
Treatment time 1 '÷ 3'
Bath temperature 30 ÷ 60 ° C
Concentration 1 ÷ 10%
The optimal use values will, however, be set by the Fiprokim Technical Service, case by case, at the time of the plant start-up, according to the quality and quantity of foreign substances to be removed present on the surface of the material and the type of plant. same.
Parametro | Valore |
Control of bathing
The control of the bath is done by periodically determining the total alkalinity.
Take 10 ml of bath and place them in a flask. Add 50 ml of demineralized water. Add bromocresol green indicator. The solution will turn blue. Titrate with 0.1N acid until it turns yellow. The ml of acid consumed represents the bath score.
A bath prepared at 10 g / l has a score of 3 ml.
Applicazione | Concentrazione |
The toilet must be checked periodically (at least once or twice a day) and maintained at the concentration established at the time of its start-up. For each missing point, for every 1000 liters of bath, add 3.4 kg of product.
Removal of whole and emulsifiable oils, fats and processing pastes
Removal of polishing pastes from parts and small parts
Removal of interoperational, protective, polymer films and silicones
Etching, pre-painting, pre-conversion treatments
Cleaning of plastics and glass
Interoperational or final cleaning of the product
Multi-material degreasers
Pre and Post processing treatments
Low environmental impact alternatives
Longevity and effectiveness
Periodic checks
Formulated, produced and controlled internally
Removal of whole and emulsifiable oils, fats and processing pastes
Removal of polishing pastes from parts and small parts
Removal of interoperational, protective, polymer films and silicones
Etching, pre-painting, pre-conversion treatments
Cleaning of plastics and glass
Interoperational or final cleaning of the product