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Technical features

FIPROPHOS 505 is a powdered iron salt phosphating agent, specially designed for the treatment of ferrous material. FIPROPHOS 505 creates an amorphous phosphate layer on the treated surface, mainly composed of iron phosphates and constitutes an excellent anchoring base for liquid, powder or electrophoretic paints. The correct use of the product requires a subsequent continuous partial renewal rinse and possibly a final rinse of demineralized water. If combined with a suitable final passivation, the results are further enhanced. FIPROPHOS 505 can be used to clean zinc, aluminum and its alloys.

Usage and Applications

FIPROPHOS 505 is used as a pre-painting treatment for accessory parts in the automotive industry, mobile metal appliances and, in general, sheet metal products that are not very exposed to the aggression of corrosive agents (humidity, atmospheric agents, etc.).
FIPROPHOS 505 is used where there are particular problems of foam formation in the treatment bath and / or in the rinses. It is used by spraying, according to the following operating parameters:

  • Concentration: 5 - 30 g / l (kg / 1000 l)

  • Score: 4 - 24.3

  • Temperature: 35 - 70 ° C

  • Treatment time: 2 - 5 minutes

  • Pressure: 1 - 2 atm


Bathe preparation

  • Fill the tank with clean tap water up to approximately three quarters of its volume

  • Start the recirculation pumps and bring to the working temperature

  • Add 5 - 10 kg of FIPROPHOS 505 for every 1000 l of bath

  • Bring the bath to the exact volume and working temperature, leaving it in circulation for 15 - 20 '

  • Check the working parameters (before any pH correction)


Control of bathing

Take 10 ml of bath using a calibrated pipette, place them in a 250 ml conical flask, add about 10 ml of distilled water and 3 - 5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate with Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) 0.1 N until colorless to stable pink color change for at least 20 ".
The number of ml of 0.1 N NaOH used to obtain the color change of the sample represents the bath score.
A FIPROPHOS 505 bath prepared at a concentration of 10 g / l has a score of approximately 8.1.


  • Deposition of a homogeneous protective substrate

  • Easy to start and run process

  • Low environmental impact and non-hazardous products

  • Increased hours of salt spray

  • Increased adhesion of paints and coatings

  • Preconversion or final treatment

Precautions and Storage

The product in original packaging should preferably be stored away from moisture and in a ventilated place. Keep the packages closed to avoid packing phenomena.

For handling and treatment of FIPROPHOS 505, please refer to the relative safety data sheet.
The FIPROPHOS 505 bath is slightly acidic and can cause irritation and burning in the eyes and skin. We therefore recommend the use of suitable clothing.
The bathroom and its rinsing require a purification treatment before draining.


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Prodotti Correlati


Light layer phosphodegreaser for steel, iron and cast iron, with molybdates, by spray. Excellent corrosion resistance and paint adhesion.


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Fiprokim ha una più che ventennale esperienza nel campo della ricerca, formulazione, produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti chimici per il trattamento dei metalli  e la loro detergenza e di lubrorefrigeranti per la lavorazione meccanica dei metalli.

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